Haku-san (白山) - Traverse

How to get there: This is maybe the most difficult hike to start - and the spookiest. Difficult, because there is no bus or train stop close to the start. Spooky, because it involves passing through maybe 150 metres of concrete tube full of spider webs without light. But from the start: From Kanazawa you go South to Seto 瀬戸 either first by train till Turugi station and then by bus or all the way by bus. Now comes the difficult part. After much searching I found some bus that was supposed to travel up the 360 road towards the Hakusan-Ichirino ski area, but it ran only on demand and I had not understood that.

So I ended up taking a taxi to 三ッ又第一発電所 Power station. It took me across a big bridge off the road, and then the driver told me there was nowhere to go there. Only after a longer discussion he let me go and then waited at the other side of the bridge watching me.

Off I go over another little bridge where signs say that it is forbidden to cross. The map indicates a steep climb and I go looking for a path but cannot find any. Finally I notice that this part of the path is completely straight, not the lsightest bend. And then I take a look at the tube. There is a giant steel tube bringing down the water for the power station. It is protected by another tube made of concrete. The outer one is about a meter wider, and in this gap there are stairs running up.

Again I look at the map, there is no doubt: that is the way. Ignoring another forbidden sign I enter the tube. Soon it gets very dark. Right next to me lots of water are rushing downhill with enormous thunder. And then start the spider webs. Lots of them. Seems there is not much traffic through this tube. But if I go back I am stuck in this abandoned valley. So I go all the way and soon reach the road to Shiniwama-Onsen.

Telegraphic Description:
Soon after the start through the spooky tube we pass 新岩間温泉 Shiniwama-Onsen, which made a very closed down impression, when I passed by there.
:Approximate GPS